Friday, November 1, 2019

Who'd Have Thunk It: Dana Carvey....

Soylent Green is People!!!!!!!!

TCM has the guest programmer every now and then. This month it is comedy programmers. As you can see from the list of movies below, most people settle for basic, staid movies. Martin Short picks Dr. Strangelove and the Marx Brothers. Way to go out on a limb.  Rita Wilson, showing true range picks Lady Eve and Now Voyager. I mean, great shows, but I didn't have to bring you on to pick them.

But Dana Carvey. That is some good comedy shit right there.  Two movies that are so bad they are great, Soylent Green  and Jason and the Argonaughts. I may not have loved you on Saturday Night Live. Or on your own show. Or much as a guest star.  Okay, I never really loved you. But Dude, that is some killer taste there!!!

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