Friday, November 8, 2019

This Isn't Helping

I am not sure how to address Climate Change Issues (actually, I am - but who cares what I say), but I know this is NOT how to do it.

You don't issue worse warning after warning.

People who believe in Climate Change act on it, people who don't ignore it.

Don't issues warnings; tie the funky-ass things that are going on in the real world to what is causing them. The Hurricanes are worse because of climate change. Islands in Maryland have to be abandoned due to climate change. Houston has flooded twice in 3 years because of climate change. The Syrian civil war was a product, in large part, of climate change.

And the real shocker for everyone. Climate Change is going to send MILLIONS of immigrants to the United States over the next decade. President Trump's wall will not stop them all. And Bernie Sanders' open arms policy won't help. The country MUST come up with some response we all agree on!

Climate Change is effecting us and will effect us more. Forget 1 - 3 feet of sea level rise or 2 centigrade of air temperature rise. Millions of immigrants to the US.

And that doesn't include the Billion or so immigrants that will flood other countries from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, North Africa, Central Africa, the central Asian -stans (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc).

And that doesn't include billions of people starving because of agricultural loses (or super high prices).


  1. I care ! You always explain things so well, even I can understand.

    1. Thank you. My whistling into the wind DOES affect something. xoxox


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