You may have heard some crap about this from Trump, Rudy and Rush and what-ever bat shit people that believed them to muddy up the waters.
The Democratic National Committee Server was hacked - from there the crazy conspiracy runs wild...
What Crazy People Say
What the FBI, CIA and NSC Say
DNC Server sent to
True DNC Server was
originally sent to Crowdstrike
Crowdstrike is in Ukraine
False Crowdstrike
is in Sunnyvale California
FBI let Crowdstrike
investigate on their own
False FBI
participated in investigation
Crowdstrike covered up
Ukrainian involvement
False Hacking was discovered and the FBI and Crowdstrike uncovered who did it. The FBI and Robert Muller filed charges against 14 specific Russian hackers
identified in the DNC hacking
Crowdstrike is owned by
False One
of Crowdstike’s many backers is a Soviet refugee that left the USSR before
there was a country of Ukraine.
That DNC Server is “hiding”
in Ukraine
False The
DNC server is back at the DNC. The hacking details are stored online in general
(not in the Ukraine).
The Ukrainian government “meddled”
in our election.
False: Two officials from Ukraine wrote Op Eds questioning Trump's proposed ideas. The President takes this as “proof”
they meddled in the election.
Russia did not meddle in
the election
False Ever
intelligence organization in the government knows and has proved that Russia DID meddle in
the election
The problem is that Donald
Trump’s ego is a bit fragile. He wants proof that he won the election without
And it isn’t clear that Russian interference actually effected the
outcome. But they definitely tried.
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