Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Not To Put Too Fine a Point On It, but...Who TF Cares?

Republicans (not "conservatives", but political Republicans) and their lick spittle media backers (Fox, OAN, etc) are having a very public, very loud, very on-target freak out over the "Cancel Culture" right now. IN particular over the "liberals" challenging their rights to ogle animated boos, rape imaginary cats, show their children racist images and play with very gender specific potatoes. 

"What the hell?" you ask.

Well, rather than deal with Covid, getting people and the economy back to work, dealing with school closures, they are busy working on new topics for the next election. They no longer govern, or even pretend to govern, instead they use their out-of-office time to strike up new and asinine shit culture issues, throwing them against the wall and seeing what slides down. Here are the latest 4 cancelations that they feel are threats to our way of life.

What is causing their apoplectic fit? Well, I will attempt to explain (clockwise from upper left)

#1 In the new Space Jam movie (top left), Lola Bunny (bottom right corner of the first pic) no longer has boobs. Really. They are complaining that a basketball playing girl-bunny in an animated movie no longer has the bodacious rack she had in the first movie (and they miss the bare midriff).

#2 Mr. Potato Head has been re-branded as "Potato Head", rendering him genderless. Because, apparently potatoes have gender and they are afraid he is going trans. Note that in the bottom left corner of the box, it actually does still say Mr. Potato Head in multiple languages (French and Spanish for the North American markets).

#3 Pepe LaPew, the sexual predatory near-sighted skunk with a jones for interspecies sexual assault will no longer be in Space Jam at all! How will children ever learn that "No" means try harder or lock her in a room without him.

#4 The Dr. Seuss family has stopped production of 6 (out of more than 60) books because the family finds the images offensive.

In NONE of these cases was a ruckus caused by "liberals" or "Democrats". Each was a case of corporate ownership doing what they thought was best for the company involved. This is called free-market Capitalism, which they pretend to support.

It is sideshow. In other words, back to our previous programming.

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Sometimes I despair at age. But this gives me hope.

 I mean, I don't want a child, but I think she is older than Tony Randel. Unlike Tony, she pushed this out!